Automated Stencil Cutting Machine

The 724 Razor Cutter from NCB Marking Equipment is a high performance, automated stencil cutting machine.
The machine is supplied with loadable software and step by step instructions on how to connect your stencil cutter to your PC. Simply use the software to create your stencil design and then send to your cutter for production. Make the most of the extensive range of fonts, international symbols, numbering, logos and graphics. All designs can then be saved on your PC and used another time.
The machine cuts characters in stencil heights from 1/8" up to 23"/
The machine is used across a vast array of industries including Oil and Gas, Coatings, Aerospace, Military and Shipping.
NCB Marking Equipment supplies an extensive range of materials, inks and applicators to suit individual requirements
On site appointments held for demonstrations of the machine
The machine is heavy duty and durable
The machine holds material of up to 30" wide with a maximum cutting width of 23.5"
The machine can print from multiple computers as it has ethernet capability
The adjustable speed and cutting force maxes out at 600g/65IPS which makes it the most powerful cutter on the market